首页 > 安卓应用 > 游戏辅助 > 我的GBA模拟器免费版最新
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My Boy! is a super fast and full-featured emulator to run GameBoy Advance games on the broadest range of Android devices, from very low-end phones to modern tablets. It emulates nearly all aspects of the real hardware correctly.

This is by far the only emulator that supports link cable emulation with decent speed.


*** To play GB/C games, you need to get My OldBoy!.

*** This is the free version. You CAN save and load with the game's built-in save capability, which is accessible from within the game, not from the emulator's menu.

With the full version, you can:

• Remove Ads.

• Save to and load from multiple slots (through emulator's menu), as well as auto save & load.

• Sync saves with Google Drive. Save your games on one device and continue on the others!

• Fast-forward with speed greater than 2x (up to 16x).

• Have multiple lines of codes in a single cheat.

• Have gyroscope/tilt sensor emulation through your Android's motion sensors!

• Link up as a server with your friend (the other side as a client, which is allowed on the free version).

• Create multiple screen-layout profiles.


• Fastest emulation, therefore saves your battery to the MAX.

• Very high game compatibility. Run nearly all games without a problem.

• Link cable emulation either on the same device, or across devices over Bluetooth or Wi-Fi.

• Gyroscope/tilt/solar sensor and rumble emulation.

• Enter GameShark/ActionReplay/CodeBreaker cheat codes and enable/disable them on the fly while the game is running.

• High-level BIOS emulation. No BIOS file needed.

• IPS/UPS ROM patching

• OpenGL rendering backend, as well as normal rendering on devices without a GPU.

• Cool video filters through the support of GLSL shaders.

• Fast-forward to skip long stories, as well as slow down games to get past a level you cannot in normal speed.

• On-screen keypad (multi-touch requires Android 2.0 or later), as well as shortcut buttons such as load/save.

• A very powerful screen layout editor, with which you can define the position and size for each of the on-screen controls, as well as for the game video.

• External controllers support, such as the MOGA controllers.

• Clean & simple yet well-designed user interface. Seamlessly integrated with the latest Android.

• Create and switch to different key-mapping profiles.

• Create shortcuts to easily launch your favorite games from your desktop.

No games are included in this app and you need to obtain yours in a legal way. Place them onto your SD card, and browse to them from within the app.

LEGAL: This product is not affiliated with, nor authorized, endorsed or licensed in any way by Nintendo Corporation, its affiliates or subsidiaries.

*** Unlike many others, we are the actual core developers. Your reported bugs will most likely get fixed very soon!


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