首页 > 安卓应用 > 拍照图像 > Petcube手机版
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Petcube Camera is a sleek, wide-angle, Wi-Fi-enabled pet home camera with real-time HD video, built-in microphone, speaker and a pet laser pointer toy which lets you watch, talk and play laser game with your cat or dog when you are not at home using your smartphone. You can also use the camera to take and share cute cat and dog photos. To learn more, visit www.petcube.com.We created this app to let you share all the fun, cuteness and knowledge about your pet with a friendly pet lovers' community. You can connect to your Petcube Camera to watch, talk and play laser pointer game with your pet from a smartphone when you’re not home.Here’s what you can do with us: Check on your pet when out of home using the Petcube Camera Play laser game for pet when you’re not at home using a pet laser toy Play with real pets, just like in a video game, from anywhere Visit pet shelters and interact with shelter cats and dogs Share cute cat and dog photos, get lots of likes and comments Meet new



- advanced public sharing options

- fix Petcube Camera setup process for Android 6

- stability improvements


- HD video quality improvements

- sound quality improvements

- now you can calibrate your Petcube Camera

- stability improvements


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